massage therapy

Utilizing sports massage, Functional Range Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, and other forms of soft tissue treatment Lauren will assess and treat specific soft tissue dysfunctions that may be affecting your quality of movement, pain, and well being.

performance therapy

If you have been dealing with a nagging ache or pain, this service is best for you. Performance therapy aims to improve your performance, whether that be on the platform, on the field, or simply in life. This service includes, but is not limited to:

  • A comprehensive assessment of your movement patterns, joint capacities, mobility, and strength.

  • Manual therapy, such as, therapeutic massage, cupping, or IASTM

  • Corrective exercise and mobility 

  • A detailed session recap email, consisting of a summary of the session and suggested exercises to incorporate until your next session. Each exercise comes with suggested sets, reps, frequency, and video instruction.